NetBrain Automation includes powerful Change Management Automation which enables teams to reduce the risks and costs associated with network change processes. Leveraging NetBrain’s Runbook Automation, teams can deploy large-scale changes while continuously verifying that the end-to-end infrastructure is healthy and continues to support all the needs of the business and it’s a litany of applications. NetBrain automatically records every change and the resulting behavior which can be easily shared and reviewed. And with NetBrain’s adaptive monitoring technology, configuration drift is identified as soon as it occurs to allow review of each change in the context of delivering an organization’s complete list of business services.
Make Change Interactively
NetBrain offers the most comprehensive single pane of glass visual management console for your entire end-to-end network. NetBrain becomes the interactive interface for all of your network change management needs. NetBrain allows you to understand your changes by modeling and visualizing them on a visual Dynamic Map. You’ll instantly be able to see how changes will affect application service delivery, along with the individual device connectivity, routing design, ACLs, and more. NetBrain change management is in real-time and as changes are committed, the entire system is updated to reflect that new structure.
Deploy Changes with Confidence
With NetBrain, Change Management is safe and scalable. Using NetBrain’s no-code automation technology, the automation of end-to-end change is available at the push of a button. And since the most common cause of service outages occurs when change management goes awry, NetBrain keeps track of every detail of change management and allows roll-back if required. Drag-and-drop configuration templates eliminate human error, configuration oversights, and other common configuration-centric errors. You can also leverage any existing Ansible playbooks with NetBrain’s seamless integration to further support your automation journey.
Assess Applications Performance
Applications are everything for modern business, and these applications are comprised of a litany of distributed services and connections to other services and devices. And while device-by-device troubleshooting is commonplace, those efforts still may not yield the desired application performance. NetBrain ensures that the application designer’s intentions are realized and confirmed. NetBrain proactively and automatically verifies that committed changes won’t impact the flow of information for critical applications. NetBrain continuously verifies that application paths and dependencies are healthy – and that the designers’ intentions are preserved.
Roll Back with One Click
Change Management for production networks can be dangerous without the right tools and discipline. NetBrain Automation provides for both networks of any scale, end-to-end. As changes are made, the NetBrain system models complex rollback automation to undo changes quickly and revert the infrastructure to the exact state it was in prior to making the change. If an unplanned change goes awry or has an adverse effect, you can easily have your rollback ready to execute.
Smooth Operational Hand-offs
The NetBrain system automatically records changes and allows that knowledge to be immediately visible to any user. And with NetBrain Runbook Automation, change management tasks can be easily captured and shared making the change management process available to a wider range of users, not just the limited number of subject matter experts. And since NetBrain enables real-time collaboration, teams can leverage this stored knowledge to support newly deployed network technology, with confidence.